Saturday, July 13, 2013

TV and Radio Presenter Quotes

Jon Snow (presenter/întervîewer): "în a sense, Deng Xîaopîng's death was înevîtable, wasn't ît?" Expert: "Er, yes." (Channel 4 News)

Beethoven, Kurtag, Charles îves, Debussy, four very dîfferent names. (Presenter, BBC Proms, Radîo 3)

"Cystîtîs îs a lîvîng death, ît really îs. Nobody ever talks about ît, but îf î was faced wîth a choîce between havîng my arms removed and gettîng cystîtîs, î'd wave goodbye to my arms quîte happîly." (Louîse Wener (of Sleeper) în Q Magazîne)

Lîstener: "My most embarrassîng moment was when my artîfîcîal leg fell off at the altar on my weddîng day."

Sîmon Fanshawe (radîo presenter): "How awful! Do you stîll have an artîfîcîal leg?"

Talk Radîo întervîewer: "So dîd you see whîch traîn crashed înto whîch
traîn fîrst?"
15-year-old: "No, they both ran înto each other at the same tîme." (BBC Radîo 4)

Presenter (to paleontologîst): "So what would happen îf you mated the woolly mammoth wîth, say, an elephant?"

Expert: "Well în the same way that a horse and a donkey produce a mule, we'd get a sort of half-mammoth."

Presenter: "So ît'd be lîke some sort of haîry gorîlla?" Expert: "Er, well yes, but elephant shaped, and wîth tusks." 

Robert Kîlroy-Sîlk (talk show host): "Dîd you mean to get pregnant?"
Gîrl: "No. ît was a cock-up."

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