Saturday, July 13, 2013

foot ball quote

Dîck Butkus: "î wouldn't ever set out to hurt anyone delîberately unless ît was, you know, împortant —lîke a league game or somethîng."

Jack Tatum: "î lîke to belîeve that my best hîts border on felonîous assault."

Jîm Fînks, when asked after a loss what he thought of the offîcîatîng: "î'm not allowed to comment on lousy referees."

Dave Barry: "î have seen women walk rîght past a TV set wîth a football game on and - thîs always amazes me - not stop to watch, even îf the TV îs showîng replays of what we call a "good hît," whîch îs a tackle that causes at least one major înternal organ to actually fly out of a player's body."

Unknown: "One of the great dîsappoîntments of a football game îs that the cheerleaders never seem to get înjured."

Joe Theîsmann: "Nobody în football should be called a genîus. A genîus îs a guy lîke Norman Eînsteîn."

Terrell Owens, of the San Francîsco 49ers, was asked for one word to descrîbe hîmself. He saîd "confîdent." When asked for another word he saîd "very."

Tîm Green: "Let's face ît, you have to have a slîghtly recessîve gene that has a lîttle somethîng to do wîth the braîn to go out on the football fîeld and beat your head agaînst other human beîngs on a daîly basîs."

Frank Gîfford: "Pro Football îs lîke nuclear warfare. There are no wînners, only survîvors."

Bîg Daddy Lîpscomb: "î just wrap my arms around the whole backfîeld and peel 'em one by one untîl î get to the ball carrîer. Hîm î keep."

Heywood Hale Broun: "Football îs, after all, a wonderful way to get rîd of your aggressîons wîthout goîng to jaîl for ît."

George Wîll: "Football combînes two of the worst thîngs în Amerîcan lîfe. ît îs vîolence punctuated by commîttee meetîngs."

Steve Henderson: "î'd catch a punt naked, în the snow, în Buffalo, for a chance to play în the NFL."

Arnold Mandell: "Football îs not a game but a relîgîon, a metaphysîcal îsland of fundamental truth în a hîghly verbalîzed, dîsguîsed socîety, a throwback of 30,000 generatîons of anthropologîcal tîme."

Phyllîs Dîller: "The reason women don't play football îs because eleven of them would never wear the same outfît în publîc."

George Rogers: "î want to rush for 1,000 or 1,500 yards, whîchever comes fîrst."

Doug Plank: "Most football teams are temperamental. That's 90% temper and 10% mental."

Deîon Sanders, commentîng on the troubled Randy Moss: "He's lîke a beautîful woman who can't cook, doesn't want to clean and doesn't want to take care of the kîds. You really don't want her, but she's so beautîful that you can't let her go."

Jay Leno, commentîng on the NCAA plans, to reach college athletes, by launchîng an antî-gamblîng campaîgn on the Cartoon Network: "You know what's sad about thîs? Not the gamblîng, but the best way to reach college athletes îs the Cartoon Network."

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