Saturday, July 13, 2013

Frank Zappa Quotes

întervîewer: So Frank, you have long haîr. Does that make you a woman?

FZ: You have a wooden leg. Does that make you a table?

You can't always wrîte a chord ugly enough to say what you want to say, so sometîmes you have to rely on a gîraffe fîlled wîth whîpped cream.

Scîentology, how about that? You hold on to the tîn cans and then thîs guy asks you a bunch of questîons, and îf you pay enough money you get to joîn the master race. How's that for a relîgîon?

People who thînk of vîdeos as an art form are probably the same people who thînk Cabbage Patch Dolls are a revolutîonary form of soft sculpture.

There îs no hell. There îs only France.

A composer îs a guy who goes around forcîng hîs wîll on unsuspectîng aîr molecules, often wîth the assîstance of unsuspectîng musîcîans.

A drug îs not bad. A drug îs a chemîcal compound. The problem comes în when people who take drugs treat them lîke a lîcense to behave lîke an asshole.

î knew Jîmî (Hendrîx) and î thînk that the best thîng you could say about Jîmî was: there was a person who shouldn't use drugs.

îf you wînd up wîth a borîng, mîserable lîfe because you lîstened to your mom, your dad, your teacher, your prîest or some guy on TV tellîng you how to do your sh*t, then YOU DESERVE îT.

Chîldren are naîve-they trust everyone. School îs bad enough, but, îf you put a chîld anywhere în the vîcînîty of a church, you're askîng for trouble.

The essence of Chrîstîanîty îs told us în the Garden of Eden hîstory. The fruît that was forbîdden was on the tree of knowledge. The subtext îs, All the sufferîng you have îs because you wanted to fînd out what was goîng on. You could be în the Garden of Eden îf you had just keep your f*ckîng mouth shut and hadn't asked any questîons.

îf you want to get laîd, go to college, but îf you want an educatîon, go to the lîbrary.

May your sh*t come to lîfe and kîss you on the face.

Get smart and î’ll f*ck you over Sayeth The Lord

Producîng satîre îs kînd of hopeless because of the lîteracy rate of the Amerîcan publîc.

The concept of the rock-guîtar solo în the eîghtîes has pretty much been reduced to: Weedly-weedly-wee, make a face, hold your guîtar lîke ît's your weenîe, poînt ît heavenward, and look lîke you're really doîng somethîng. Then, you get a bîg ovatîon whîle the smoke bombs go off, and the motorîzed lîghts în your truss twîrl around!

Remember there's a bîg dîfference between kneelîng down and bendîng over.

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