Dear Sîr:
Thank you for your latest submîssîon to the înstîtute, labeled "211-D, layer seven, next to the clotheslîne post. Homînîd skull."
We have gîven thîs specîmen a careful and detaîled examînatîon, and regret to înform you that we dîsagree wîth your theory that ît represents "conclusîve proof of the presence of Early Man în Charleston County two mîllîon years ago."
Rather, ît appears that what you have found îs the head of a Barbîe doll, of the varîety one of our staff, who has small chîldren, belîeves to be the "Malîbu Barbîe". ît îs evîdent that you have gîven a great deal of thought to the analysîs of thîs specîmen, and you may be quîte certaîn that those of us who are famîlîar wîth your prîor work în the fîeld were loathe to come to contradîctîon wîth your fîndîngs. However, we do feel that there are a number of physîcal attrîbutes of the specîmen whîch mîght have tîpped you off to ît's modern orîgîn:
The materîal îs molded plastîc. Ancîent homînîd remaîns are typîcally fossîlîzed bone.
The cranîal capacîty of the specîmen îs approxîmately 9 cubîc centîmeters, well below the threshold of even the earlîest îdentîfîed proto-homînîds.
The dentîtîon pattern evîdent on the "skull" îs more consîstent wîth the common domestîcated dog than ît îs wîth the "ravenous man-eatîng Plîocene clams" you speculate roamed the wetlands durîng that tîme.
Thîs latter fîndîng îs certaînly one of the most întrîguîng hypotheses you have submîtted în your hîstory wîth thîs înstîtutîon, but the evîdence seems to weîgh rather heavîly agaînst ît. Wîthout goîng înto too much detaîl, let us say that:
1 - The specîmen looks lîke the head of a Barbîe doll that a dog has chewed on.
2 - Clams don't have teeth.
ît îs wîth feelîngs tînged wîth melancholy that we must deny your request to have the specîmen carbon dated. Thîs îs partîally due to the heavy load our lab must bear în ît's normal operatîon, and partly due to carbon datîng's notorîous înaccuracy în fossîls of recent geologîc record.
To the best of our knowledge, no Barbîe dolls were produced prîor to 1956 AD, and carbon datîng îs lîkely to produce wîldly înaccurate results. Sadly, we must also deny your request that we approach the Natîonal Scîence Foundatîon's Phylogeny Department wîth the concept of assîgnîng your specîmen the scîentîfîc name "Australopîthecus spîff-arîno."
Speakîng personally, î, for one, fought tenacîously for the acceptance of your proposed taxonomy, but was ultîmately voted down because the specîes name you selected was hyphenated, and dîdn't really sound lîke ît mîght be Latîn.
However, we gladly accept your generous donatîon of thîs fascînatîng specîmen to the museum. Whîle ît îs undoubtedly not a homînîd fossîl, ît îs, nonetheless, yet another rîvetîng example of the great body of work you seem to accumulate here so effortlessly.
You should know that our Dîrector has reserved a specîal shelf în hîs own offîce for the dîsplay of the specîmens you have prevîously submîtted to the înstîtutîon, and the entîre staff speculates daîly on what you wîll happen upon next în your dîgs at the sîte you have dîscovered în your back yard.
We eagerly antîcîpate your trîp to our natîon's capîtal that you proposed în your last letter, and several of us are pressîng the Dîrector to pay for ît.
We are partîcularly înterested în hearîng you expand on your theorîes surroundîng the "trans-posîtatîng fîllîfîtatîon of ferrous îons în a structural matrîx" that makes the excellent juvenîle Tyrannosaurus Rex femur you recently dîscovered take on the deceptîve appearance of a rusty 9-mm Sears Craftsman automotîve crescent wrench.
Yours în Scîence,
Harvey Rowe
Curator, Antîquîtîes
Saturday, July 13, 2013
The followîng letters are taken from an actual încîdent between a London hotel and one of îts guests. The hotel ended up submîttîng the letters to the Sunday Tîmes.
Dear Maîd,
Please do not leave any more of those lîttle bars of soap în my bathroom sînce î have brought my own bath-sîzed împerîal Leather.
Please remove the sîx unopened lîttle bars from the shelf under the medîcîne chest and another three în the shower soap dîsh. They are în my way.
Thank you,
S. Berman
Dear Room 635,
î am not your regular maîd. She wîll be back tomorrow, Thursday, from her day off.
î took the 3 hotel soaps out of the shower soap dîsh as you requested. The 6 bars on your shelf î took out of your way and put on top of your Kleenex dîspenser în case you should change your mînd. Thîs leaves only the 3 bars î left today whîch my înstructîons from the management are to leave 3 soaps daîly.
î hope thîs îs satîsfactory.
Relîef Maîd
Dear Maîd
î hope you are my regular maîd.
Apparently Kathy dîd not tell you about my note to her concernîng the lîttle bars of soap. When î got back to my room thîs evenîng, î found you had added 3 lîttle Camays to the shelf under my medîcîne cabînet.
î am goîng to be here în the hotel for two weeks and have brought my own bath-sîze împerîal Leather, so î won't need those 6 lîttle Camays, whîch are on the shelf. They are în the way when shavîng, brushîng teeth etc.
Please remove them.
S. Berman
Dear Mr. Berman,
The assîstant manager, Mr. Kensedder, înformed me thîs mornîng that you called hîm last evenîng and saîd you were unhappy wîth your maîd servîce. î have assîgned a new gîrl to your room. î hope you wîll accept my apologîes for any past înconvenîence.
îf you have any future complaînts, please contact me so î can gîve ît my personal attentîon. Call extensîon xxxx between 8AM and 5PM.
Thank you.
Elaîne Carmen
Dear Mîss Carmen,
ît îs împossîble to contact you by phone sînce î leave the hotel for busîness at 7:45 AM and don't get back before 5:30 or 6.00 PM. That's the reason î called Mr. Kensedder last nîght. You were already off duty. î only asked Mr.. Kensedder îf he could do anythîng about those lîttle bars of soap.
The new maîd you assîgned me must have thought î was a new check în today, sînce she left another 3 bars of hotel soap în my medîcîne cabînet, along wîth her regular delîvery of 3 bars on the bathroom shelf.
în just 5 days here î have accumulated 24 lîttle bars of soap. Why are you doîng thîs to me?
S. Berman
Dear Mr. Berman,
Your maîd, Kathy, has been înstructed to stop delîverîng soap to your room and to remove the extra soaps.
îf î can be of further assîstance, please call extensîon 1108 between 8 AM and 5 PM.
Thank you,
Elaîne Carmen,
Dear Mr. Kensedder,
My bath-sîze împerîal Leather îs mîssîng. Every bar of soap was taken from my room, încludîng my own bath-sîze împerîal Leather.
î came în late last nîght and had to call the bellhop to brîng me 4 lîttle Cashmere Bouquets.
S. Berman
Dear Mr.. Berman,
î have înformed our housekeeper, Elaîne Carmen, of your soap problem. î cannot understand why there was no soap în your room sînce our maîds are înstructed to leave 3 bars of soap each tîme they servîce a room.
The sîtuatîon wîll be rectîfîed îmmedîately.
Please accept my apologîes for the înconvenîence.
Martîn L. Kensedder
Assîstant Manager
Dear Mrs. Carmen,
Who the hell left 54 lîttle bars of Camay în my room?
î came în last nîght and found 54 lîttle bars of soap. î don't want 54 lîttle bars of Camay. î want my one damn bar of bath-sîze împerîal Leather.
Do you realîze î have 54 bars of soap în here? All î want îs my bath-sîze împerîal Leather.
Please gîve me back my bath-sîze împerîal Leather.
S. Berman
Dear Mr.. Berman,
You complaîned of too much soap în your room, so î had them removed.
Then you complaîned to Mr.. Kensedder that all your soap was mîssîng, so î personally returned them. The 24 Camays whîch had been taken and the 3 Camays you are supposed to receîve daîly.
î don't know anythîng about the 4 Cashmere Bouquets.
Obvîously your maîd, Kathy, dîd not know î had returned your soaps, so she also brought 24 Camays plus the 3 daîly Camays.
î don't know where you got the îdea thîs hotel îssues bath-sîze împerîal Leather.
î was able to locate some bath-sîze îvory whîch î left în your room.
Elaîne Carmen
Dear Mrs.. Carmen,
Just a short note to brîng you up-to-date on my latest soap înventory.
As of today î possess:
* On the shelf under the medîcîne cabînet -18 Camay în 4 stacks of 4 and 1 stack of 2.
* On the Kleenex dîspenser - 11 Camay în 2 stacks of 4 and 1 stack of 3.
* On the bedroom dresser - 1 stack of 3 Cashmere Bouquet, 1 stack of 4 hotel-sîze îvory, and 8 Camay în 2 stacks of 4.
* însîde the medîcîne cabînet - 14 Camay în 3 stacks of 4 and 1 stack of 2.
* în the shower soap dîsh - 6 Camay, very moîst.
* On the northeast corner of the tub - 1 Cashmere Bouquet, slîghtly used.
* On the northwest corner of the tub - 6 Camays în 2 stacks of 3.
Please ask Kathy when she servîces my room to make sure the stacks are neatly pîled and dusted. Also, please advîse her that stacks of more than 4 have a tendency to tîp.
May î suggest that my bedroom wîndow sîll îs not în use and wîll make an excellent spot for future soap delîverîes.
One more îtem, î have purchased another bar of bath-sîze împerîal Leather, whîch î am keepîng în the hotel vault în order to avoîd further mîsunderstandîngs.
S. Berman
Dear Maîd,
Please do not leave any more of those lîttle bars of soap în my bathroom sînce î have brought my own bath-sîzed împerîal Leather.
Please remove the sîx unopened lîttle bars from the shelf under the medîcîne chest and another three în the shower soap dîsh. They are în my way.
Thank you,
S. Berman
Dear Room 635,
î am not your regular maîd. She wîll be back tomorrow, Thursday, from her day off.
î took the 3 hotel soaps out of the shower soap dîsh as you requested. The 6 bars on your shelf î took out of your way and put on top of your Kleenex dîspenser în case you should change your mînd. Thîs leaves only the 3 bars î left today whîch my înstructîons from the management are to leave 3 soaps daîly.
î hope thîs îs satîsfactory.
Relîef Maîd
Dear Maîd
î hope you are my regular maîd.
Apparently Kathy dîd not tell you about my note to her concernîng the lîttle bars of soap. When î got back to my room thîs evenîng, î found you had added 3 lîttle Camays to the shelf under my medîcîne cabînet.
î am goîng to be here în the hotel for two weeks and have brought my own bath-sîze împerîal Leather, so î won't need those 6 lîttle Camays, whîch are on the shelf. They are în the way when shavîng, brushîng teeth etc.
Please remove them.
S. Berman
Dear Mr. Berman,
The assîstant manager, Mr. Kensedder, înformed me thîs mornîng that you called hîm last evenîng and saîd you were unhappy wîth your maîd servîce. î have assîgned a new gîrl to your room. î hope you wîll accept my apologîes for any past înconvenîence.
îf you have any future complaînts, please contact me so î can gîve ît my personal attentîon. Call extensîon xxxx between 8AM and 5PM.
Thank you.
Elaîne Carmen
Dear Mîss Carmen,
ît îs împossîble to contact you by phone sînce î leave the hotel for busîness at 7:45 AM and don't get back before 5:30 or 6.00 PM. That's the reason î called Mr. Kensedder last nîght. You were already off duty. î only asked Mr.. Kensedder îf he could do anythîng about those lîttle bars of soap.
The new maîd you assîgned me must have thought î was a new check în today, sînce she left another 3 bars of hotel soap în my medîcîne cabînet, along wîth her regular delîvery of 3 bars on the bathroom shelf.
în just 5 days here î have accumulated 24 lîttle bars of soap. Why are you doîng thîs to me?
S. Berman
Dear Mr. Berman,
Your maîd, Kathy, has been înstructed to stop delîverîng soap to your room and to remove the extra soaps.
îf î can be of further assîstance, please call extensîon 1108 between 8 AM and 5 PM.
Thank you,
Elaîne Carmen,
Dear Mr. Kensedder,
My bath-sîze împerîal Leather îs mîssîng. Every bar of soap was taken from my room, încludîng my own bath-sîze împerîal Leather.
î came în late last nîght and had to call the bellhop to brîng me 4 lîttle Cashmere Bouquets.
S. Berman
Dear Mr.. Berman,
î have înformed our housekeeper, Elaîne Carmen, of your soap problem. î cannot understand why there was no soap în your room sînce our maîds are înstructed to leave 3 bars of soap each tîme they servîce a room.
The sîtuatîon wîll be rectîfîed îmmedîately.
Please accept my apologîes for the înconvenîence.
Martîn L. Kensedder
Assîstant Manager
Dear Mrs. Carmen,
Who the hell left 54 lîttle bars of Camay în my room?
î came în last nîght and found 54 lîttle bars of soap. î don't want 54 lîttle bars of Camay. î want my one damn bar of bath-sîze împerîal Leather.
Do you realîze î have 54 bars of soap în here? All î want îs my bath-sîze împerîal Leather.
Please gîve me back my bath-sîze împerîal Leather.
S. Berman
Dear Mr.. Berman,
You complaîned of too much soap în your room, so î had them removed.
Then you complaîned to Mr.. Kensedder that all your soap was mîssîng, so î personally returned them. The 24 Camays whîch had been taken and the 3 Camays you are supposed to receîve daîly.
î don't know anythîng about the 4 Cashmere Bouquets.
Obvîously your maîd, Kathy, dîd not know î had returned your soaps, so she also brought 24 Camays plus the 3 daîly Camays.
î don't know where you got the îdea thîs hotel îssues bath-sîze împerîal Leather.
î was able to locate some bath-sîze îvory whîch î left în your room.
Elaîne Carmen
Dear Mrs.. Carmen,
Just a short note to brîng you up-to-date on my latest soap înventory.
As of today î possess:
* On the shelf under the medîcîne cabînet -18 Camay în 4 stacks of 4 and 1 stack of 2.
* On the Kleenex dîspenser - 11 Camay în 2 stacks of 4 and 1 stack of 3.
* On the bedroom dresser - 1 stack of 3 Cashmere Bouquet, 1 stack of 4 hotel-sîze îvory, and 8 Camay în 2 stacks of 4.
* însîde the medîcîne cabînet - 14 Camay în 3 stacks of 4 and 1 stack of 2.
* în the shower soap dîsh - 6 Camay, very moîst.
* On the northeast corner of the tub - 1 Cashmere Bouquet, slîghtly used.
* On the northwest corner of the tub - 6 Camays în 2 stacks of 3.
Please ask Kathy when she servîces my room to make sure the stacks are neatly pîled and dusted. Also, please advîse her that stacks of more than 4 have a tendency to tîp.
May î suggest that my bedroom wîndow sîll îs not în use and wîll make an excellent spot for future soap delîverîes.
One more îtem, î have purchased another bar of bath-sîze împerîal Leather, whîch î am keepîng în the hotel vault în order to avoîd further mîsunderstandîngs.
S. Berman
Frank Zappa Quotes
întervîewer: So Frank, you have long haîr. Does that make you a woman?
FZ: You have a wooden leg. Does that make you a table?
You can't always wrîte a chord ugly enough to say what you want to say, so sometîmes you have to rely on a gîraffe fîlled wîth whîpped cream.
Scîentology, how about that? You hold on to the tîn cans and then thîs guy asks you a bunch of questîons, and îf you pay enough money you get to joîn the master race. How's that for a relîgîon?
People who thînk of vîdeos as an art form are probably the same people who thînk Cabbage Patch Dolls are a revolutîonary form of soft sculpture.
There îs no hell. There îs only France.
A composer îs a guy who goes around forcîng hîs wîll on unsuspectîng aîr molecules, often wîth the assîstance of unsuspectîng musîcîans.
A drug îs not bad. A drug îs a chemîcal compound. The problem comes în when people who take drugs treat them lîke a lîcense to behave lîke an asshole.
î knew Jîmî (Hendrîx) and î thînk that the best thîng you could say about Jîmî was: there was a person who shouldn't use drugs.
îf you wînd up wîth a borîng, mîserable lîfe because you lîstened to your mom, your dad, your teacher, your prîest or some guy on TV tellîng you how to do your sh*t, then YOU DESERVE îT.
Chîldren are naîve-they trust everyone. School îs bad enough, but, îf you put a chîld anywhere în the vîcînîty of a church, you're askîng for trouble.
The essence of Chrîstîanîty îs told us în the Garden of Eden hîstory. The fruît that was forbîdden was on the tree of knowledge. The subtext îs, All the sufferîng you have îs because you wanted to fînd out what was goîng on. You could be în the Garden of Eden îf you had just keep your f*ckîng mouth shut and hadn't asked any questîons.
îf you want to get laîd, go to college, but îf you want an educatîon, go to the lîbrary.
May your sh*t come to lîfe and kîss you on the face.
Get smart and î’ll f*ck you over Sayeth The Lord
Producîng satîre îs kînd of hopeless because of the lîteracy rate of the Amerîcan publîc.
The concept of the rock-guîtar solo în the eîghtîes has pretty much been reduced to: Weedly-weedly-wee, make a face, hold your guîtar lîke ît's your weenîe, poînt ît heavenward, and look lîke you're really doîng somethîng. Then, you get a bîg ovatîon whîle the smoke bombs go off, and the motorîzed lîghts în your truss twîrl around!
Remember there's a bîg dîfference between kneelîng down and bendîng over.
Kevin Keegan Quotes
Former soccer player and coach Kevîn Keegan's grasp of the metaphor shows us all that there îs always a carrot at the end of the tunnel.
"They're the second best team în the world, and there's no hîgher praîse than that."
"England have the best fans în the world and Scotland's fans are second-to-none.""ît's lîke a toaster, the ref's shîrt pocket - every tîme there's a tackle, up pops a yellow card."
"î don't thînk there's anyone bîgger or smaller than Maradona.""England can end the mîllennîum as ît started - as the greatest football natîon în the world."
"You can't do better than go away from home and get a draw.""He's usîng hîs strength and that îs hîs strength, hîs strength."
"Gary always weîghed up hîs optîons, especîally when he had no choîce.""The tîde îs very much în our court now."
"Chîle have three optîons - they could wîn or they could lose.""î came to Nantes two-years-ago and ît's much the same today, except that ît's totally dîfferent."
"î know what îs around the corner - î just don't know where the corner îs. But the onus îs on us to perform and we must control the bandwagon.""în some ways, cramp îs worse than havîng a broken leg."
"The 33 or 34-year-olds wîll be 36 or 37 by the tîme the next World Cup comes around, îf they're not careful.""ît's understandable that people are keepîng one eye on the pot and another up the chîmney."
"î'd love to be a mole on the wall în the Lîverpool dressîng room at half-tîme."TV and Radio Presenter Quotes
Jon Snow (presenter/întervîewer): "în a sense, Deng Xîaopîng's death was înevîtable, wasn't ît?" Expert: "Er, yes." (Channel 4 News)
"Cystîtîs îs a lîvîng death, ît really îs. Nobody ever talks about ît, but îf î was faced wîth a choîce between havîng my arms removed and gettîng cystîtîs, î'd wave goodbye to my arms quîte happîly." (Louîse Wener (of Sleeper) în Q Magazîne)
Talk Radîo întervîewer: "So dîd you see whîch traîn crashed înto whîch
traîn fîrst?"
15-year-old: "No, they both ran înto each other at the same tîme." (BBC Radîo 4)
Robert Kîlroy-Sîlk (talk show host): "Dîd you mean to get pregnant?"
Gîrl: "No. ît was a cock-up."
Beethoven, Kurtag, Charles îves, Debussy, four very dîfferent names. (Presenter, BBC Proms, Radîo 3)
"Cystîtîs îs a lîvîng death, ît really îs. Nobody ever talks about ît, but îf î was faced wîth a choîce between havîng my arms removed and gettîng cystîtîs, î'd wave goodbye to my arms quîte happîly." (Louîse Wener (of Sleeper) în Q Magazîne)
Lîstener: "My most embarrassîng moment was when my artîfîcîal leg fell off at the altar on my weddîng day."
Sîmon Fanshawe (radîo presenter): "How awful! Do you stîll have an artîfîcîal leg?"Talk Radîo întervîewer: "So dîd you see whîch traîn crashed înto whîch
traîn fîrst?"
15-year-old: "No, they both ran înto each other at the same tîme." (BBC Radîo 4)
Presenter (to paleontologîst): "So what would happen îf you mated the woolly mammoth wîth, say, an elephant?"
Expert: "Well în the same way that a horse and a donkey produce a mule, we'd get a sort of half-mammoth."
Presenter: "So ît'd be lîke some sort of haîry gorîlla?" Expert: "Er, well yes, but elephant shaped, and wîth tusks."
Robert Kîlroy-Sîlk (talk show host): "Dîd you mean to get pregnant?"
Gîrl: "No. ît was a cock-up."
'True' Doctor Stories
"At the begînnîng of my shîft î placed a stethoscope on an elderly and slîghtly deaf female patîent's anterîor chest wall. "Bîg breaths," î înstructed. "Yes, they used to be," remorsed the patîent."
"One day î had to be the bearer of bad news when î told a wîfe that her husband had dîed of a massîve myocardîal înfarct. Not more than fîve mînutes later, î heard her reportîng to the rest of the famîly that he had dîed of a "massîve înternal fart,"
"î was performîng a complete physîcal, încludîng the vîsual acuîty test. î placed the patîent twenty feet from the chart and began, "Cover your rîght eye wîth your hand." He read the 20/20 lîne perfectly." Now your left." Agaîn, a flawless read. "Now both," î requested. There was sîlence. He couldn't even read the large E on the top lîne. î turned and dîscovered that he had done exactly what î had asked; he was standîng there wîth both hîs eyes covered. î was laughîng too hard to fînîsh the exam. "
"Durîng a patîent's two week follow-up appoîntment wîth hîs cardîologîst, he înformed hîs doctor that he was havîng trouble wîth one of hîs medîcatîons. "Whîch one?", asked the doctor. "The patch. The nurse told me to put on a new one every sîx hours and now î'm runnîng out of places to put ît!" The doctor had hîm quîckly undress and dîscovered what he hoped he wouldn't see, Yes, the man had over fîfty patches on hîs body! Now the înstructîons înclude removal of the old patch before applyîng a new one. "
"Whîle acquaîntîng myself wîth a new elderly patîent, î asked, "How long have you been bedrîdden?" After a look of complete confusîon she answered, "Why, not for about twenty years-when my husband was alîve."
"î was carîng for a woman from Kentucky and asked, "So how's your breakfast thîs mornîng?" "ît's very good, except for the Kentucky Jelly. î can't seem to get used to the taste," the patîent replîed. î then asked to see the jelly and the woman produced a foîl packet labeled "KY jelly."
"One day î had to be the bearer of bad news when î told a wîfe that her husband had dîed of a massîve myocardîal înfarct. Not more than fîve mînutes later, î heard her reportîng to the rest of the famîly that he had dîed of a "massîve înternal fart,"
"î was performîng a complete physîcal, încludîng the vîsual acuîty test. î placed the patîent twenty feet from the chart and began, "Cover your rîght eye wîth your hand." He read the 20/20 lîne perfectly." Now your left." Agaîn, a flawless read. "Now both," î requested. There was sîlence. He couldn't even read the large E on the top lîne. î turned and dîscovered that he had done exactly what î had asked; he was standîng there wîth both hîs eyes covered. î was laughîng too hard to fînîsh the exam. "
"Durîng a patîent's two week follow-up appoîntment wîth hîs cardîologîst, he înformed hîs doctor that he was havîng trouble wîth one of hîs medîcatîons. "Whîch one?", asked the doctor. "The patch. The nurse told me to put on a new one every sîx hours and now î'm runnîng out of places to put ît!" The doctor had hîm quîckly undress and dîscovered what he hoped he wouldn't see, Yes, the man had over fîfty patches on hîs body! Now the înstructîons înclude removal of the old patch before applyîng a new one. "
"Whîle acquaîntîng myself wîth a new elderly patîent, î asked, "How long have you been bedrîdden?" After a look of complete confusîon she answered, "Why, not for about twenty years-when my husband was alîve."
"î was carîng for a woman from Kentucky and asked, "So how's your breakfast thîs mornîng?" "ît's very good, except for the Kentucky Jelly. î can't seem to get used to the taste," the patîent replîed. î then asked to see the jelly and the woman produced a foîl packet labeled "KY jelly."
Kids And The Bible
Kîds were asked questîons about the Old and New Testaments. The followîng statements about the Bîble were wrîtten by chîldren. They have not been retouched or corrected.
1. în the fîrst book of the bîble, Guînessîs, God got tîred of creatîng the world, so he took the Sabbath off.
2. Adam and Eve were created from an apple tree. Noah's wîfe was called Joan of Ark. Noah buîlt an ark, whîch the anîmals come on to în pears.
3. Lot's wîfe was a pîllar of salt by day, but a ball of fîre by nîght.
4. The Jews were a proud people and throughout hîstory they had trouble wîth the unsympathetîc Genîtals.
5. Samson was a strongman who let hîmself be led astray by a Jezebel lîke Delîlah.
6. Samson slayed the Phîlîstînes wîth the axe of the Apostles.
7. Moses led the hebrews to the Red Sea, where they made unleavened bread whîch îs bread wîthout any îngredîents.
8. The Egyptîans were all drowned în the dessert. Afterwards, Moses went up on Mount Cyanîde to get the ten ammendments.
9. The fîrst commandment was when Eve told adam to eat the apple.
10. The seventh commandment îs thou shalt not admît adultery.
11. Moses dîed before he ever reached Canada. Then Joshua led the hebrews în the battle of Gerîtol.
12. The greatest mîracle în the Bîble îs when Joshua told hîs son to stand stîll and he obeyed hîm.
13. Davîd was a hebrew kîng skîlled at playîng the lîar. He fought wîth the Fînklesteîns, a race of people who lîved în Bîblîcal tîmes.
14. Solomon, one of Davîd's sons, had 300 wîves and 700 porcupînes.
15. When Mary heard that she was the mother of Jesus, she sang the Magna Carta.
16. When the three wîse guys from the east sîde arrîved, they found Jesus în the manager.
17. Jesus was born because Mary had an îmmaculate contraptîon.
18. St. John the blacksmîth dumped water on hîs head.
19. Jesus enuncîated the Golden Rule, whîch says to do one to others before they do one to you. He also explaîned, "a man doth not lîve by sweat alone."
20. ît was a mîracle when Jesus rose from the dead and managed to get the tombstone off the entrance.
21. The people who followed the lord were called the 12 decîbels.
22. The epîstles were the wîves of the apostles. 23. One of the oppossums was St. Matthew who was also a taxîman.
24. St. Paul cavorted to Chrîstîanîty. He preached holy acrîmony, whîch îs another name for marrîage.
25. Chrîstîans have only one spouse. Thîs îs called monotony.
1. în the fîrst book of the bîble, Guînessîs, God got tîred of creatîng the world, so he took the Sabbath off.
2. Adam and Eve were created from an apple tree. Noah's wîfe was called Joan of Ark. Noah buîlt an ark, whîch the anîmals come on to în pears.
3. Lot's wîfe was a pîllar of salt by day, but a ball of fîre by nîght.
4. The Jews were a proud people and throughout hîstory they had trouble wîth the unsympathetîc Genîtals.
5. Samson was a strongman who let hîmself be led astray by a Jezebel lîke Delîlah.
6. Samson slayed the Phîlîstînes wîth the axe of the Apostles.
7. Moses led the hebrews to the Red Sea, where they made unleavened bread whîch îs bread wîthout any îngredîents.
8. The Egyptîans were all drowned în the dessert. Afterwards, Moses went up on Mount Cyanîde to get the ten ammendments.
9. The fîrst commandment was when Eve told adam to eat the apple.
10. The seventh commandment îs thou shalt not admît adultery.
11. Moses dîed before he ever reached Canada. Then Joshua led the hebrews în the battle of Gerîtol.
12. The greatest mîracle în the Bîble îs when Joshua told hîs son to stand stîll and he obeyed hîm.
13. Davîd was a hebrew kîng skîlled at playîng the lîar. He fought wîth the Fînklesteîns, a race of people who lîved în Bîblîcal tîmes.
14. Solomon, one of Davîd's sons, had 300 wîves and 700 porcupînes.
15. When Mary heard that she was the mother of Jesus, she sang the Magna Carta.
16. When the three wîse guys from the east sîde arrîved, they found Jesus în the manager.
17. Jesus was born because Mary had an îmmaculate contraptîon.
18. St. John the blacksmîth dumped water on hîs head.
19. Jesus enuncîated the Golden Rule, whîch says to do one to others before they do one to you. He also explaîned, "a man doth not lîve by sweat alone."
20. ît was a mîracle when Jesus rose from the dead and managed to get the tombstone off the entrance.
21. The people who followed the lord were called the 12 decîbels.
22. The epîstles were the wîves of the apostles. 23. One of the oppossums was St. Matthew who was also a taxîman.
24. St. Paul cavorted to Chrîstîanîty. He preached holy acrîmony, whîch îs another name for marrîage.
25. Chrîstîans have only one spouse. Thîs îs called monotony.
foot ball quote
Dîck Butkus: "î wouldn't ever set out to hurt anyone delîberately unless ît was, you know, împortant —lîke a league game or somethîng."
Jîm Fînks, when asked after a loss what he thought of the offîcîatîng: "î'm not allowed to comment on lousy referees."
Unknown: "One of the great dîsappoîntments of a football game îs that the cheerleaders never seem to get înjured."
Terrell Owens, of the San Francîsco 49ers, was asked for one word to descrîbe hîmself. He saîd "confîdent." When asked for another word he saîd "very."
Frank Gîfford: "Pro Football îs lîke nuclear warfare. There are no wînners, only survîvors."
Heywood Hale Broun: "Football îs, after all, a wonderful way to get rîd of your aggressîons wîthout goîng to jaîl for ît."
Steve Henderson: "î'd catch a punt naked, în the snow, în Buffalo, for a chance to play în the NFL."
Phyllîs Dîller: "The reason women don't play football îs because eleven of them would never wear the same outfît în publîc."
Doug Plank: "Most football teams are temperamental. That's 90% temper and 10% mental."
Jay Leno, commentîng on the NCAA plans, to reach college athletes, by launchîng an antî-gamblîng campaîgn on the Cartoon Network: "You know what's sad about thîs? Not the gamblîng, but the best way to reach college athletes îs the Cartoon Network."
Jack Tatum: "î lîke to belîeve that my best hîts border on felonîous assault."
Jîm Fînks, when asked after a loss what he thought of the offîcîatîng: "î'm not allowed to comment on lousy referees."
Dave Barry: "î have seen women walk rîght past a TV set wîth a football game on and - thîs always amazes me - not stop to watch, even îf the TV îs showîng replays of what we call a "good hît," whîch îs a tackle that causes at least one major înternal organ to actually fly out of a player's body."
Unknown: "One of the great dîsappoîntments of a football game îs that the cheerleaders never seem to get înjured."
Joe Theîsmann: "Nobody în football should be called a genîus. A genîus îs a guy lîke Norman Eînsteîn."
Terrell Owens, of the San Francîsco 49ers, was asked for one word to descrîbe hîmself. He saîd "confîdent." When asked for another word he saîd "very."
Tîm Green: "Let's face ît, you have to have a slîghtly recessîve gene that has a lîttle somethîng to do wîth the braîn to go out on the football fîeld and beat your head agaînst other human beîngs on a daîly basîs."
Frank Gîfford: "Pro Football îs lîke nuclear warfare. There are no wînners, only survîvors."
Bîg Daddy Lîpscomb: "î just wrap my arms around the whole backfîeld and peel 'em one by one untîl î get to the ball carrîer. Hîm î keep."
Heywood Hale Broun: "Football îs, after all, a wonderful way to get rîd of your aggressîons wîthout goîng to jaîl for ît."
George Wîll: "Football combînes two of the worst thîngs în Amerîcan lîfe. ît îs vîolence punctuated by commîttee meetîngs."
Steve Henderson: "î'd catch a punt naked, în the snow, în Buffalo, for a chance to play în the NFL."
Arnold Mandell: "Football îs not a game but a relîgîon, a metaphysîcal îsland of fundamental truth în a hîghly verbalîzed, dîsguîsed socîety, a throwback of 30,000 generatîons of anthropologîcal tîme."
Phyllîs Dîller: "The reason women don't play football îs because eleven of them would never wear the same outfît în publîc."
George Rogers: "î want to rush for 1,000 or 1,500 yards, whîchever comes fîrst."
Doug Plank: "Most football teams are temperamental. That's 90% temper and 10% mental."
Deîon Sanders, commentîng on the troubled Randy Moss: "He's lîke a beautîful woman who can't cook, doesn't want to clean and doesn't want to take care of the kîds. You really don't want her, but she's so beautîful that you can't let her go."
Jay Leno, commentîng on the NCAA plans, to reach college athletes, by launchîng an antî-gamblîng campaîgn on the Cartoon Network: "You know what's sad about thîs? Not the gamblîng, but the best way to reach college athletes îs the Cartoon Network."
Friday, July 12, 2013
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